About Centro Internacional Acupunture
This acupuncture center is located in Torrevieja where we use Tradtional Chinese Medicine, MTC. That includes Acupuncture (insertion of needles), Moxibustion (heat application), Tuina (Chinese Massage) Auriculotherapy and Fitotherapy (Chinese Medical Herbs). Antonio Amorós has been working with this method since 1989 at his center to treat various health problems.
Amorós studied at the “Fundación Europea de Medicina Tradicional China MTC”, associated with the prestigious “Hospital Guand An Men de Beijing” (R.P.China). They both are reputable in teaching advanced MTC. Antonio Amorós had an extensive curriculum and was a top student.
- Master Degree in integrative Chinese Medicine at the University of the Atlantic in Santander and in Fertility Disorders at the University of Chinese Medicine of Yunnan, People´s Republic of China.
- Seminar on Obesity and Electrolipolysis advanced studies at the European Foundation og Traditional Chinese Medicine, MTC, in 2003.
- Member of the Pan European Federation of Tradicional Chinese Medicine Society.
- Member of the Association of Acupuncurists and Professionals of Chinese Medicine Practicioner Registers, nr. 10210-137.
- Diploma in Naturopathy; studies 1982-1985 at the European Naturist Center and ACNATURA (currently Heilpraktiker Institut).
- Heilpraktiker Diploma in 1989 from Privet Institut für Heilberufe – Akademie für Naturheilkunde, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Seminar on January 13th, 1999 by Antonio Amorós at the University of Alicante, to nursing students about acupuncture treatment included in the course program.
- Talk with judge Ana Maria about Natural Foods, 1996.